Dr. L.A. has done it again!! She’s got a New Release! 🥰
j. Dr. L.A. has done it again! She’s got a new release. Her newest journal, “Girl Get Your Self Care On!” Is a Journal that inspires you to take care of yourself every day. In all of the roles than we have as women: mother, sister, friend, wife, employee, entrepreneur, church member, aunt etc…(I’m sure you get the point) we often forget to honor ourselves. It is ever so important to put on our self care mask first so we don’t show up tired, frustrated and fatigued. This journal helps you establish the habit of taking care of you first by promoting you to write down the things that YOU need most each day for YOURSELF. It’s available on Amazon and on this website for purchase. Get Your copy today and gift one to your Bestie. Thank you.